Monday, February 20, 2006

about a lot of things

today, i shall talk on a lot of things...
by the way, people not personally acquainted with me would do well to skip right on to the next wont make too much sense anyways...
first off, the farewell left me mainly with the thoughts which i have already written about in the last post...but it was fun putting up the entire show for the seniors.
the last three days have been spent in the company of my best buddy, and it was a completely enjoyable time...we talked a lot, played pool, went out for dinner with a couple of old friends, and generally had a good time.
though i can talk forever, ill leave it at the next is wuite late, and i have college tomorrow....
though i am studying at the portals of hell, i is still better than the other places i could have gotten into...jain college, for example, is atrocious, to say the very least, ask my aforementioned friend for more details....or is it?
a couple of smaller things...prashant, dont you dare bring balle along, coz if you do, i swear to god all my thoughts from the past few days will just go flying down the nearest toilet, and i will tear you apart, from limb to limb...
and shraddha, as guns and roses would probably say, dont you cry tonight


shraddha said...

hey, you know what prashanth, do get balle along,id love to see you torn apart..
and anees rao, dont you worry, i wont cry tonight...though i didnt quite get about what you are reffering to...

Axiomate said...

Spelling error in his name ...

shraddha said...

like good lord NF,for somebody who spoils my name at that extra 'h' shouldn't matter..even if it i give a damn???