Wednesday, March 08, 2006

testing my patience

An examination hall is always known to sap the creative juices…the following is born out of sheer boredom…out of the inability to walk out of this mind-numbingly boring craphole. Believe me, I'm ready to do anything, absolutely anything, to bail meself out of this feeling of intense ennui…watch soap operas, celeb gossip shows, golf…read business reports, a books on the JEE problems, my girl’s blog, which is never updated…anything to save me from this lousy state of mind…but I can’t…so I write…I write whatever comes to mind (which isn’t too much, considering I'm writing this…and besides, I'm excavatingly hungry, or so the void in my head informs me…which means I will excavate for food??)
I write of my girl, who is scared out of her wits that what little I do with her, the Boss will report to her mom, with enough embellishments to put a Navratan Korma to shame…and send her (my girl, not her mom, who is a weird sort to say the very least…but rest assured, I will not say anymore here…I don’t wash dirty linen in public, you see.) Like I was sayin’, send my girl on the highway to hell, ACDC style…
I write terrible poems, like this one…

The papers rustle around me,
Faces screwed up in concentration,
Trying to remember the forgotten fact,
The quick trick,
The elegant method.

As for me, I'm penning this…
A poem with no intention or rhyme,
None but spending time…

The papers rustle around me…
Like Jerry the mouse, or maybe rabbits,
Pens are sent scurrying across the sheets,
Guarded by two neat lines,
Always inside those lines,
Never dare to veer off the track,
Stick to their course, they do…
The papers still rustle around me…

1 comment:

Prax said...

I happen to like the poem havin' state of mind, quite alike