Saturday, January 19, 2008

Requiem for a Dream

Now playing: Clint Mansell/Kronos Quartet - SUMMER - Overture
via FoxyTunes Requiem for a Dream. Four words which still send a chill down my backbone. its half past midnight on a saturday morning, and i cannot, for the life of me, get the film out of my head. everywhere i look, everytime i blink my eyes, haunting, terrifying visuals cover the screen of my eyelids. Its one of those films whose effect stays on with you for a while.
The story is pretty small. The life of four interconnected people. Guy, guy's girlfriend, guy's best friend and guy's mom. the younger generation gets started into the business of distributing coke, but get addicted themselves. In the meantime, the mother is obsessed with a game show, which she hopes to get on. This obsession translates into a want for a slim weight. After a few unsuccessful attempts at dieting, she gives up and goes to a doctor, who gives her a few pills. Little does she know, its the same shit her son peddles to make money. the film goes through their slow but sure spiral descent.
What chills you the most while watching the film is the realism of the actors, as well as the special effects. The director keeps track of all the characters by cycling through their separate lives..each one as fucked as the next. I realise this review doesn't do any sort of justice to the film, as people who have seen the movie will realise. But then, this is for people who haven't, so...well, suffice to say that a guy like myself, with quite a strong temperament, was shivering for a full half an hout after watchin the film, along with three of my friends who watched it with me. My rating- 4.5! Watch it now, but only if you have a strong mind...


Prax said...

I'm assumin' that's 4.5 outta 5.

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Anonymous said...

whoa!.. anees!... dinno RFAD left u so shaken...